Narula Diagnostic Centre in Model Town, Rohtak
Narula Diagnostic Centre listed under Diagnostic Centres in Model Town, Rohtak. Check Address, Contact Number, Ratings & Reviews, Photos, Maps etc, on Justdial.
Sometimes you and your doctor may not be able to tell what's actually going on within your blood, cells, tissues etc. That's when you'll need to visit specialists with equipment to perform tests through which they will understand the state of your body internally. Your doctor will then be able to interpret the test results from the specific values provided in your reports to make a more informed diagnosis and supporting treatment plan.
There may be a lot of Diagnostic Centres in this place. But, Narula Diagnostic Centre in Model Town, Rohtak is quite a popular choice. They offer services like Diagnostic And Pathology. So, in case you need a better comprehension of your bodily functions and systems, you can visit this place.
Narula Diagnostic Centre in Model Town, Rohtak is a reliable name in the industry as they aim to deliver the best experience to their customers. This has helped them build up a loyal customer base. They started their journey in and ever since, they have ensured that the customer remains at the centre of their business operations and philosophy. As they are located in a favourable neighbourhood, exactly at Opposite Huda Complex, Near Palika Bazar, Medical Mor, Civil Road, Model Town-124001 near Opposite Huda Complex, Near Palika Bazar, Medical Mor, it is easy to locate Narula Diagnostic Centre on the map. For any kind of assistance or questions, it is best to contact them directly during their business hours.
Also listed in Diagnostic Centres, Coronavirus Testing Centres, Thyroid Testing Laboratory, Coronavirus Testing Centres Private etc. Narula Diagnostic Centre in Model Town is one of the most trustworthy names in the field. They have received a 4.3 rating from their customers. The best time to contact them is anytime between 08:00 - 20:00.
Kindly scroll up to check the detailed address and contact number of Narula Diagnostic Centre in Rohtak.